Facts about recycling of food waste
Facts shows that by sending food waste from industrial kitchens to biogas plants instead of incineration plants, the food wasted is treated in a more sustainable way. This creates value in a broader perspective for the climate in the future as well as for the natural resources available to us.
According to ‘Ressourcestrategien’ 60% of all food waste from the service sector must be recycled in 2018 compared to only 17% being recycled today. Read more about ‘Ressourcestrategien” here.
Why is recycling of food waste necessary for the environment?
- Large amounts of food waste in industrial kitchens cannot be completely avoided.
- At the biogas plant the food waste is converted into biogas and later fertilizer for the soil.
- Converting food waste into biogas is a sustainable alternative to e.g. using fresh crops such as maize.
- Biogas is a huge climate gain because it reduces the emission of greenhouse gases and methane gases.
- Today, only every 8th of the Danish kommuner sends the food waste to biogas plants.
- The gas from 1 ton food waste can be converted into 180 Nm3 (Normal cubic meter adjusted for pressure and temperature conditions). In comparison, 1 ton slurry can be converted into only 20 Nm3 gas (Source: Bjarne Bro, engineer in Billund Kommune).
- You get almost twice as much electricity out of food waste at a biogas plant (source: Claus Felby, professor at Københavns Universitet an researcher in biogas).
- Those 13 tons of food waste which is produced each year at Roskilde Festival, can alone produce around 2.340 m3 biogas, which corresponds to 14.300 kWh or 4 households annual electricity consumption (source: Natasja Marie Nystrup, DTU and Videnskab.dk -numbers from 2012).
- Biogas will make a difference for the agriculture when they have to reduce emissions of green house gasses, and the utilization of nutrients will improve (source: Jørgen E. Olesen professor at Institut for Agroøkologi – Klima og Vand and member of Etisk Råd).
- When food waste is treated at the biogas plants important nutrients from the waste is preserved and can be returned to the fields again.
Recycle your company’s food waste
You are always welcome to contact Biotrans Nordic for consult and advise on the options your company has regarding handling the food waste more sustainable and effective.
Read more about the Biotrans System and BioMaster.