Awards and Memberships
At Biotrans we work to support the green transition in society and create a more sustainable future for all of us. Therefore, we have joined different organizations which bring companies together – all working with and for sustainability in different ways.
Hos Biotrans arbejder vi for en understøtte den grønne omstilling og skabe en mere bæredygtig fremtid for os alle. Ene kan vi gøre noget, men sammen kan vi gøre meget. Derfor har vi valgt at blive medlem af forskellige organisationer, der samler virksomheder og organisationer, som alle på forskellige måder arbejder med bæredygtighed. På måde kan vi udveksle ideer og lære noget af hinanden, og dermed blive ved med at udvikle os i en grønnere retning.
I forbindelse med vores arbejde for bæredygtighed på flere forskellige områder, er vi blevet tildelt en pris og norminering.
Odense Sustainability Award
In 2014 Biotrans won Odense Sustainability Award (Odense Bæredygtighedspris) – now called Odense Verdensmålspris. The award is given to a sustainable initiative in Odense which works with all three elements of the concept Sustainability: Environment, Social and Economic concerns.
In recognition of our work with sustainable disposal of food waste in industrial kitchens, reuslting in improved working environment, utilization of resources, green energy, reduction of CO2 emissions and good economy, Biotrans was awarded this prize. We continue our work towards a greener transition in society and strive to keep on taking societal responsibility.
If you want to know more about the award, please click here.
Biotrans was norminated for Sustainia100 in 2014. Sustainia is an annual guide to 100 innovative sustainability solutions from around the world. The guide identifies readily available projects. initiatives and technologies at the forefront of sustainable innovation. Sustainia100 gives investors, business leaders, policy makers and consumers insight into promising solutions within their respective fields.
It is the international mission-driven organization Sustainia which is behind Sustainia100 selecting and creating the annual guide. Read more about our contribute to Sustainia100 here.
UN Global Compact
Biotrans is a member of UN Global Compact which is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, created by the United Nations. Global Compact is based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals in order to create a better and greener future for all of us.
Biotrans has committed to actively work with and align strategies and operations with 10 universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption as well as take actions that advance societal goals.
You can read more about UN Global Compact and the 10 priciples here.